Kritik an Ideologien, Aufklärung über populäre Irrtümer, Kommentare zum Zeitgeschehen

GS English: Populism – Six remarks on an alternative way of exercising democratic rule

Von • Nov 17th, 2020 • Kategorie: International

GegenStandpunkt English:


Populism – Six remarks on an alternative way of exercising democratic rule


[Translated from Gegenstandpunkt: Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 4-2019, Gegenstandpunkt Verlag, Munich]


I. A practice and a reproach with a long democratic tradition


II. Deliberately departing from established politics in the name of the beloved people


III. Intensifying the traditional discontent of democratically elected rulers with the provisions of the constitutional state


IV. Radically enlisting the people as a service to their identity — or: why ‘right-wing populism’ is a redundant term


V. The contradictory development of globalized competition into a struggle for national sovereignty


VI. The bill for a social-democratic success story: the working class has joined the nation — ready at all times for an alternative, consequent nationalism

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  1. GS English: “Build Back Better”: The Battle for America’s Soul Continues
    The superpower grapples with itself in striving for global supremacy

    [Translated from Gegenstandpunkt: Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 4-2021, Gegenstandpunkt Verlag, Munich]

    What does the most gigantic economic rebuilding program of all time announced in the US under the title „Build Back Better“ have to do with the increasingly fierce internal American culture war over issues such as abortion or theories of race and racism? At first glance, nothing, but for the world power, its leadership and its people, apparently a great deal. In our article on the subject, you can read about what the US is actually suffering from and why its leaders are so single-minded in thinking that they have to take care of the „soul of America.“

    I. A fundamental revision within the country to restore what America takes for granted: unchallengeable, global superiority

    II. The economic foundations of American world power

    1. Superior competitiveness and a currency that reigns supreme
    2. Not having to compete as world power — the iron principle on which America erected a free, global competitive order
    3. The competition of nations on the world market — the contradictory but undeniable success story of American imperialism

    III. The contradiction of the American path to success and its outcomes

    1. Competitors that have grown up within the American order undermine America’s not having to compete
    2. America chalks up the world situation as an assault on its reason of state and its identity — and goes to work on itself

    IV. America divides — at the top and at the bottom — on the question of how to make it great again and what makes it so great in the first place

    „Build Back Better“: Der Kampf um die Seele Amerikas geht weiter (GS 4-21)
    Die Supermacht ringt mit sich um ihre weltweite Suprematie

    Was haben das in den USA unter dem Titel „Build Back Better“ verkündete gigantischste ökonomische Aufrüstungsprogramm aller Zeiten und der immer heftiger werdende inneramerikanische Kulturkampf um Fragen wie Abtreibung oder Rassen- und Rassismustheorien miteinander zu tun? Auf den ersten Blick nichts, aber für die Weltmacht, ihre Führung und ihr Volk offenbar sehr viel. In unserem Artikel zum Thema ist nachzulesen, woran die USA tatsächlich leiden und warum ihre Führer so zielstrebig darauf kommen, dass sie sich um die „Seele Amerikas“ zu kümmern haben.