Kritik an Ideologien, Aufklärung über populäre Irrtümer, Kommentare zum Zeitgeschehen

Ruthless Criticism: Swiss TV weatherman Jörg Kachelmann and French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn in court for rape

Von • Feb 4th, 2018 • Kategorie: International

Swiss TV weatherman Jörg Kachelmann and French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn in court for rape:


Prominent men fuck no-name women— what does the law say?


[Translated from GegenStandpunkt 3-11]

This is of great interest to humanity in its role as a spectator of real life. The similarly filed legal cases offer the public truly spectacular images: rich, powerful, popular men in handcuffs and prison cells, female plaintiffs of dubious credibility and, in addition, lots of dirty laundry aired by a press committed to its readers. The affairs offer people today what classic drama once offered: entertainment and moral edification.

Both sexual escapades find an audience of millions — unlike the violent family man in the neighborhood or the pestering come-ons among friends — because they are about celebrities: people who are where others would like to be, far ahead of the crowd, in, say, the international “Who’s Who,” on the main program on evening television, or at the control centers of international politics. The positions they have reached mark them as superior people. They must possess qualities and skills that guarantee the success in work and life that everyone strives for: Jörg Kachelmann, who has turned the weather forecast into a show, displays “a well-versed instinct for what an audience likes to see”; Dominique Strauss-Kahn ranks even

higher: he is the elite man par excellence, “a symbol of this country and a product of excellence of elite French education. Highly intelligent, witty, charming, ambitious, smooth, assertive, cultivated, jovial, powerful, wealthy and yet somewhat brutish — what more could you ask for? If the French were allowed to elect their president last Saturday, they would have put their cross next to Strauss-Kahn.” (Süddeutsche Zeitung [SZ], July 1/2, 2011) With each one of these marvelous human traits, he is a role model for the youth and object of envy of the elders who never are able to demonstrate such impressive assertiveness, such riches, such demonstrative superiority combined with effortless appearance, no matter how much they try to imitate him as their status allows: they all want to be successful types in all fields of everyday competition.

Even more interesting than the masterful and glamorous appearances of celebrities are, of course, their missteps. The world looks a little closer at its role models. When they do something that is not really proper, then it has to be decided whether these exceptional people are allowed to do things that are not appropriate for Mr. Average (Quod licet Jovi non licet bovi — as the Latin says: what is permissible for Jove is not permissible for a bull). Or, conversely, whether the role model is abusing the bonus given to him by the world, and therefore is doubly condemned and deserves to be ostracized. A democratic fan base is entitled to make the decision about this in a just manner: free people decide for themselves who they want to adore and imitate. And as strong as their need is to pull themselves up in their imaginary familiarity with the rich and beautiful, just as strong is their need to pull the objects of their worship down to their own level and drag them to face the egalitarian judge’s bench of their moral understanding of human nature. The honored media audience is now sitting on the bench — but what is the verdict?





Wettermoderator Kachelmann und IWF-Direktor Strauss-Kahn wegen Vergewaltigung vor Gericht:

Prominente Männer ficken namenlose Frauen – wie ist die Rechtslage? (GS 3-11)


Das interessiert die Menschheit in ihrer Rolle als Zuschauer des eigentlichen Lebens brennend. Die ähnlich gelagerten Rechtsfälle bieten dem Publikum wirklich spektakuläre Bilder: Reiche, mächtige, beliebte Männer in Handschellen und Gefängniszellen, weibliche Klägerinnen von zweifelhafter Glaubwürdigkeit und dazu jede Menge schmutziger Wäsche, die eine ihren Lesern verpflichtete Presse ausgräbt. Die Affären bieten den Zeitgenossen, was einst das klassische Drama bot: Unterhaltung und moralische Erbauung.

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